
      黄河个展 - 睁眼闭眼.

      作者:核实中..2014-04-24 10:28:25 来源:中国国画家网
          展览名称: 黄河个展 - 睁眼闭眼.

        展览主题 : 睁眼 闭眼

        艺术家   : 黄 河

        展览时间 : 2014.04.26—2014.05.28

        开幕时间 : 2014.04.26 4—6 pm

        展览地点 : 富思画廊 (798艺术区南门)

        富思画廊盛邀您莅临04月26日下午四点开幕的艺术家黄河个展 “睁眼 闭眼”。此次个展将展示艺术家进三年来创作的三十六件作品。



        Title             Open eyes Close eyes

        Exhibition date   2014.04.26 – 2014.05.28

        Opening           2014.04.26, 4–6 PM

        Artist            Huang He

        Venue             FORCE Gallery, 798 Artzone

        FORCE Gallery is delighted to announce the solo exhibition "Open Eyes, Closed eyes" by Beijing based artist Huang He.The opening will be held on 26th April 2014, 4:00pm.Please join us for a presentation of over thirty of the artist's these three years of paintings.

        Huang He’s painting still belong to the scope of easel painting, but more precisely, it should be a special media painting, covered with barbed wire on top of the canvas. Child's face through the barbed wire, people may welling up the repression and choked emotion through the depressed children’s opened eyes, and desire of reality (world) escaping from their closed eyes. Most of the works of the Huang He in the past to express the pain of humanity itself brings bondage, which is use of this unique medium root. What Huang He painted to us is a pessimistic conclusion, but he is not a pessimist. Because his paintings also reflect his poetic experience of life, but this kind of poetry from the heart gush with endless gloomy sadness.

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