
      【正新风 扬国粹】 2021年全国高层次艺术人才——苏作光

      作者:admin2021-02-03 10:45:52 来源:中国书法家网


        Su Zuoguang, born in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province in 1950, is a member of the Communist Party of China, with a college degree. He served in the army from January 1969 to December 1981. After changing jobs, he served as the deputy section chief of the Organization Department of Shantou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and then was transferred to the chief of the Administrative Supervision Bureau. In 2001, he was transferred to the calligraphy teacher and political counselor of Guangdong Administrative College and retired in 2010. He should be appointed as a calligraphy teacher of Jinlong Primary School in Nansha District, Guangzhou, and quit his calligraphy creation activities in 2016.



        At present, he is the vice chairman of Chinese Cultural Artists Association, vice president of China Future Research Association, vice president of Beijing Jinghua Pavilion Painting and Calligraphy Institute, academician of Beijing Century Painting and Calligraphy Institute, academician of Beijing Global Painting and Calligraphy Institute, academician of Shandong Qubu Hongru Painting and Calligraphy Institute, visiting professor of national architecture institute of china Art Committee, etc. He has participated in the calligraphy annual meeting of general ministers of China’s strong military dream Republic for many times, and published many personal works in the media, which were well received.

        晋 陶渊明 《归去来辞》1.2 宽68cmx高136cm

        1999年 万壑松烟图170.170

        晋 陶渊明 《归去来辞》3.4 宽68cmx高136cm

        2016年 时代宏声180.190


        百年大党 风华正茂 68x136


        《百家姓》1 高70cmx长640cm


        《百家姓》 2 高70cmx长640cm


        《百家姓》 3 高70cmx长640cm



        赵华民 《泰山颂》 1.2宽90cmx高180cm

        赵华民 《泰山颂》3.4 宽90cmx高180cm

        晋 王羲之 兰亭集序 宽136cmx高136cm

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